What is The Social Light Business Club?

The Social Light Business Club is a professional networking and social group connecting like-minded individuals in the business world while having a fantastic time.

Do I have to be a member to attend events?

Nope. Anyone is welcome to attend events, however members receive perks and special rates

Is there a dress-code?

While dress codes may vary depending on the specific event or activity organized by The Social Light Business Club, typically, business casual or professional attire is encouraged.

What benefits does The Social Light Business Club offer its members?

Members enjoy exclusive networking events and access to the members app. Membership grants access to special rates on sponsorships and club events

What industries does The Social Light Business Club focus on?

The club is open to professionals from various industries, fostering a diverse and dynamic networking environment.

Are there membership fees for joining The Social Light Business Club?

Yes, there is an annual membership fee.

How often does The Social Light Business Club host events?

We organize several events throughout the year, including networking mixers, galas and workshops.

Can non-business professionals join The Social Light Business Club?

While the primary focus is on business professionals, individuals from related fields or those with a keen interest in business are welcome to join.

Is there an age restriction for joining The Social Light Business Club?

The club is open to professionals of all ages.

How does The Social Light Business Club support entrepreneurship?

We provide a platform for entrepreneurs to showcase their businesses, connect with potential collaborators, and gain insights from successful business leaders.

Can members promote their businesses within The Social Light Business Club?

Yes, members are encouraged to share information about their businesses and achievements during networking events.

Are there regional chapters of The Social Light Business Club?

We are expanding, and regional chapters are in development to provide more local networking opportunities.

Can businesses sponsor events hosted by The Social Light Business Club?

Yes, we welcome sponsorships from businesses interested in supporting our events.

Is there a referral program for bringing in new members to The Social Light Business Club?

Yes, we have a referral program that rewards members for bringing in new, qualified individuals.